I. Stanley was a young 20 yr. old man dying of cancer.
A. He wanted to be saved; he realized he was a sinner; he wanted to know what to do.
II. Everyone in the world can be saved.
III. All of us have experienced the consequences of being lost.
A. The anxiety of living without salvation.
B. The emptiness of living without God.
C. The hopelessness of living without hope.
IV. There are several questions that must be asked.
A. And the correct answers must be given before salvation will be realized.
Main Points:
{Note: It isn’t money, education, fame, honor, prestige, or social standing}
A. You must have a desire to be saved (Mat 5:6; Acts 2:14-47).
1. When we truly desire to be saved:
a. We will want to know what to do, and we will gladly do it.
B. You must have a willingness to learn (Mat 13:15).
1. We must be taught how to be saved (Mat 28:18-20; Jn 6:45).
2. The gospel must be taught, received, and obeyed (1 Cor 15:1-4; Acts 18:8).
C. You must have integrity enough to accept God’s word (Luke 8:18; Mark 4:24).
1. We must accept what the Bible teaches.
2. We must discard what the Bible doesn’t teach.
D. You must have the humility to submit (Mat 5:3; 18:4).
1. Pride keeps more people from God than you would believe.
A. You must realize that you are lost.
1. Until we realize this, we will make no effort to change.
2. People are lost because they have sinned.
a. In the 1st 3 chapters of Romans Paul shows that everyone is guilty (Isa
53:6; 1 John 1:8, 10).
B. You must realize that you cannot save yourself.
1. Why did Peter urge the people to “save yourself” (Acts 2:40).
a. Peter said this only after heaven’s help had been extended.
C. You must realize that Christ alone can save you (1 Tim 1:15; Luk 19:10; Acts 4:12;
Heb 5:8-9).
D. You must realize that Christ wants to save you (Mat 11:28-30; Luk 19:41).
E. You must realize that Christ made salvation possible (Heb 9:22).
1. What about the blood of animals? (Heb 10:4).
2. What does the leave? (Heb 2:9; Mat 26:28).
F. You must realize that only you can make salvation probable.
1. Only Christ can make it possible; only you can make it probable.
2. The probability of a person being saved depends upon his:
a. Desire to be saved.
b. Willingness to learn.
c. Integrity to accept.
d. Humility to submit.
e. Realization he is lost.
f. That he cannot save himself.
g. That Christ wants to save him.
h. That Christ has made salvation possible.
{Prime example – Acts 16:25-33}
{A question asked + an answer given + obedient sinners = salvation.}
A. We must hear the gospel.
1. We must hear before we can expect to be saved (Rom 10:13-14, 17; Js 1:22).
B. We must believe – have faith (Heb 11:6; Jn 8:24; James 2:24).
C. We must repent (Luk 13:3; Acts 17:30; 2 Cor 7:10).death.
D. We must confess our faith (Mat 10:32-33; Rom 10:9-10).
E. We must be baptized.
1. Baptism is commanded (Acts 10:48).
2. For remission of sins (Acts 2:38).
3. To be saved (Mk 16:16).
4. To wash away sins (Acts 22:16).
5. It is the only way to get into Christ (2 Tim 2:10; Gal 3:27).
I. The greatest song that the world can sing is “Salvation is full and free.”
A. If you want to be saved because you realize you are lost and will obey Jesus :
1. Then salvation is yours…
2. And all the blessing in Christ.
** If you have any questions or if you would like to become a Christian, please contact us.